Here’s a short one. How do we achieve this look on a number field with percentages?

JSON Column formatting

Heres the needed JSON to do just that:

  "elmType": "div",
  "children": [
      "elmType": "span",
      "style": {
        "width": "100%",
        "background-color": "#f44"
      "children": [
          "elmType": "span",
          "txtContent": {
            "operator": "+",
            "operands": [{ "operator": "*", "operands": ["@currentField",100]}," %"]
          "style": {
            "background-color": { "operator": "?", "operands": [
                { "operator": "<=", "operands": [ "@currentField",0.33 ] },
                  "operator": "?",
                  "operands": [{"operator": "<=","operands": ["@currentField",0.66]},
            "color": { "operator": "?", "operands": [
            { "operator": "<=", "operands": [ "@currentField",0.33 ] },
            "width": {
              "operator": "+",
              "operands": [
                  "operator": "*",
                  "operands": [
            "text-align": "center",
            "white-space": "nowrap",
            "display": "block"

How this works

  • First we add a span element with a red background color.
  • We add another span as a child, with operators to decide the background color and width of the element.
  • The same logic is used to set the foreground color to be black or white to increase readability.

To construct this kind of logic, we use the syntax:

"property": {
  "operator": "?",
  "operands": [
      "operator": "<",
      "operands": [
        0, 1

This would translate to:

var property = (0 < 1) ? "true" : "false";